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The following is a one player, GMless, scenario to introduce players to Metahumans Rising. Mistaken Identity puts you in the role of the reformed criminal and shadow manipulating hero Nox.

After receiving a tip from an old black market contact, Nox has infiltrated a doll manufacturing factory. There she discovers it is a front for an illegal chemical processing plant. Even worse, not only is the plant being robbed, as the police arrive it looks like Nox is the one behind the caper. Can you defuse the situation and stop the thief in time?

Solo Play

In this short adventure the player is given key choices to make as the story progresses. Instead of a full character sheet, the adventure gives the player the rolls the character would make for the given choice, explaining new mechanics along the way. This allows new players to get a feel for the system as the adventure progresses. For this adventure, players will need to keep track of two things, Stamina and Willpower. No need to worry about that just yet, the adventure will explain what those are when they come up in the story.

Suitable Campaign Age: Bronze, Dark, or Cinematic

Adventure Tone: Action-Adventure

Content Warning:

This adventure highlights how past deeds can shape modern perceptions. A drug lab is used as a set piece. However, details around what is being produced have been veiled for broader accessibility.

More Links

New to Metahumans Rising and House Dok Productions? Find us at https://housedok.com/

Pick up your copy of Metahumans Rising


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Mistaken Identity - A Metahumans Rising Self Start Guide 2024 08 04.pdf 9.7 MB


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I also unfortunately don't see anything here to download.

Hey, so sorry, I'm not sure what happened to the file. You should be able to see it and download the adventure now. 


Thanks so much


This is part of a bundle that I purchased but I see nothing to download. 

Hey, so sorry, I'm not sure what happened to the file. You should be able to see it and download the adventure now. 


just wondering where the download is?

Hey, so sorry, I'm not sure what happened to the file. You should be able to see it and download the adventure now. 


excellent got it now